Adidas to help athletes achieve the impossible

Adidas to help athletes achieve the impossible

The gap between gold and silver players often cannot simply be described in words, but need time, strength, power, weight, and include skills, enthusiasm, confidence and talent and other nuances inherent to judge. In order to participate in Olympic events, athletes in the world non-stop day and night training to achieve their own arena in Beijing, the gold medal dreams.
Each Games has more than 3,000 athletes will wear Adidas track debut professional sports equipment, and adidas shoes designed specifically for them to build the product line in Beijing, including clothing, footwear and hardware products. Classic and timeless design will help players to better focus on its competitive performance, but the brand will also inherit the mantle of Mr. Adi Dassler, to help athletes at all levels to further the projects outstanding performance and play confident.
Adidas another new brand SLVR, give us a "perfect simplicity" of this new brand image. Fully reflects the entire product line it with adidas and blood relations. It reveals to us is consistency, contemporary, inclusive, loyalty, and strive to go beyond and discover the unique process methods. It also gives us the eternal, reliable design. On the one hand it sends a very special character, but it is a fresh, still need to grow the brand. Adidas SLV in February 2009 the official launch of the global market, this season's clothing in basic colors of black and white color, maroon, orange and blue secondary, adidas uk SLVR as the color of the metal ash will be used in several major styles. SLVR affordable products, but also very practical to wear, is suitable for everyone as the collections of the closet.
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hyx0814 - 28. Feb, 04:47

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